VW Coccinelle

4 seats
4 speed manual
Displacement 1,584 cm3
Propulsion Transmission
24h rental
48h rental
72h rental
VW Coccinelle
279 €
499 €
719 €
49 €
55 € / 70 €
Delivery < 30km
95 €
Delivery < 60km
120 €
Delivery < 90km
190 €
VW Coccinelle
24h rental
279 €
48h rental
499 €
72h rental
719 €
49 €
Roadtrip pack
55 € / 70 €
Delivery < 30km
95 €
Delivery < 60km
120 €
Delivery < 90km
190 €
Rental terms and conditions
200 km/day and €0.50/additional km
25 years old + 3 years' driving experience
48-hour rental during summer weekends
MAIF all risk insurance
2 000€ bank guarantee (not cashed)
4x free Paypal payment available
A little history
vw coccinelle histoire

It was after the introduction of the “Deutsche Mark” in 1948 that production of the legendary Beetle went into full swing. And all thanks to a Brit!

Yvan Hirst, a serviceman from the other side of the Channel, was sent to Wolfsburg to survey the damage caused by numerous bombings.

Under the rubble, he discovered a wrecked Beetle and fell under its spell. He had the factory’s original activity revived, and by 1949, the first Germans to order their cars were finally being served!

At the end of the same year, the Beetle arrived on American soil and began its conquest. In 1955, Cox production reached the symbolic milestone of one million units built.

In 1973, the famous VW became the most produced car in the history of the automobile, ahead of the Ford T.

vw coccinelle histoire
Our commitments
Zero stress

MAIF professional all-risk insurance (two drivers)

Breakdown shot

Regular maintenance and servicing

Zone comfort

Deep cleaning before and after each rental

Green card

Regular checks on pollution standards

Other classic cars

Car delivery

95 € - 190 €
  • Choice of delivery (airport, hotel…)
  • Delivery < à 30 / 60 / 90km
  • Other distances – Contact us
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